Ecopreneurship Training
This activity aims to actively involve young job seekers and young NEETs -especially those from rural/disadvantaged provenance and mainly aged 18-24, who have been disengaged from the labor market for a long period of time. It also targets young people aspiring to become entrepreneurs, employers that wish to promote inclusivity and diversity in the workplace, and all actors feeling excluded due to their social and cultural background.
Task 1.1 Needs Analysis & Validation
Youth's involvement on verification of ecopreneurial practices: Survey results below were used as the foundation for the training methodology and materials.
Task 1.2 Competence & Methodological Framework
The training methodology and main structure of materials, supporting tools and activities. This include training schemes for the acquisition of ecopreneurial competences.
Task 1.3 E-Data Bank for young job seekers
Experts' glossary & Tool Bank: A compact list of key definitions, phrases and terms that are commonly used in eco-businesses along with a simplified explanation.
The e-Data Bank has the form of an online glossary of terms and is available under the e-Tools platform.
Task 1.4 Training Pack
Based on the Competence & Methodological framework, partners developed the training materials required for young job seekers and young NEETs to embrace an ecopreneurial mindset. A modular training course is available as OER below and as part of the e-Tools platform and comprise a large variety of themes and tools.
Task 1.5 Training Pack in all languages
The training modules are localized, tested and provided in all partner languages [EL, PL].